Vim Notes
There are several modes in VIM. NORMAL, INSERT, VISUAL are most common ones.
The Most Used Default Key Bindings :q: quit VIM. :wq: save the current buffer and quit. :q! discard unsaved changes and quit h, j, k, l: Movement. Example: 8k - move 8 lines up :99: jump to the line 99 w: move one word forward b: move one word backward $: move to the end of the current line 0: move to the beginning of the current line o: insert a new line below and go insert mode O: insert a new line above and go insert mode A: go insert mode at the end of the current line y: yank (copy) selected text p: paste the yanked text d: delete the selected text dd: delete the current line x: delete the cursor character v: select the cursor character V: select the current line :sp: split the screen horizontally :vs: split the screen vertically /john: search for “john” in the current file buffer n: jump to the next search result N: jump to the previous search result gg: jump to the top of the current file G: jump to the bottom of the current file %: jump to the closing/opening pair bracket :%s/abc/xyz/g: replace every “abc” with “xyz” in the current file :vimgrep: search current directory, see the help for more info :help: open VIM help Vim “leader” Key <leader> key is a vim tool that can be used to create personalized shortcuts.